For your business

I can support you with your business, whether this is to help your business grow, to improve profit margins or to help your team be happier, and feel ignited.

I work with my business clients to be more creative, more dynamic and forward-thinking and have fun running their business.

I support business leaders on their communication strategies to build productive teams.

I help my clients to develop communication skills to drive meaningful connections with their clients.

I support the work culture to fit the values of the company.

Together we look at goal setting for success.

I help leaders conquer self doubt and build on their authentic leadership style use.

I use Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques to support my client to understand how their thinking effects their communication and behaviours.

I use a AAA framework, where my client develops a greater Awareness through self discovery, we then move to Action, where my client moves in the desired direction and then to Achieve, where my client is more resourceful and fulfilled.

If you can relate to any of the business questions below please contact me, and we can have a chat about how I can support you and your business.

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Do you need help in clarifying the vision of your business?

Do you need to define the path and pace that is right for your business?

Do you need motivation, belief and conviction in your decision making?

Do you want your team to feel more capable of making the right decisions?

Do you want your team to 'free their thinking' and be more creative, innovative and dynamic?

Do you experience imposter syndrome, and want to rid these feelings?

Do you want a happier, stronger and more passionate team?

Do you want support to help your business fit in with your personal goals?

Do you want the journey to reaching goals to be more transparent?

Do you need to identify what are tasks and what are long term objectives?

Do you need help to strategise to determine the desired results?

Do you need help to see the company's internal and external issues?

Do you want to feel more confident and self assured when speaking publicly?

Do you find that your thinking is blocked and you want to take more creative risks?

Do you want to work through past experiences, to see how they still influence and prevent the desired outcomes you want?
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"I recommend Marie to help your business grow, Marie's objective coaching style helped me to see clearly what I needed to do to grow my client base at the right pace and increase my profit margins. Marie kept me focused and supported me to think more flexibly and helped me build confidence to take measured risks that moved my company forward."


GET In touch

07932 675 945

Bristol & Bath based life and business coach
We'll get back to you within 48 hours. 

Thanks! I'll be in touch very soon.

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